Pursuant to the art. 13 of the E.U. Regulation nr. 2016/67 (hereinafter “GDPR”) , we are pleased to inform you that your Personal Details shall be processed in accordance with the following aims and ways:
1. Subject Matter of Data Processing
The Holder shall process all personal details, identification numbers (for instance, name, surname, company form, address, phone number, e-mail, bank and payment references ) – hereinafter specified as “Personal Details” or also “Data”) that have been communicated to us on occasion of the conclusion of agreements for the Holder’s services.
2. Aims of Processing
The aims for data processing are as follows: carrying out activities of trading, promotion and distribution of medical equipment, pre-contractual, contractual and fiscal obligations; obligations due by law, by a regulation, by the EU laws or by an Authority’s order (such as, for example, in matters of anti money-laundering), enacting the Holder’s rights, for example, his/her right to a defense in lawsuits.
3. Juridical Grounds of Data Processing
This data processing is legitimate since at least one of the following conditions occur:
a) The party involved has expressed his/her consent to the processing of his/her personal detail processing for one, or more than one, specific goals;
b) The processing is necessary to the performance of an agreement of which he/she is a party involved or, to the performance of pre-contractual measures adopted upon request of said party himself/herself;
c) The processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation the Holder is subjected to.
4. Duration and Ways of Data Processing
The processing of your personal details shall be carried out through the operations as specified by the art. 4 nr. 2) of the GDPR and, more precisely: data gathering, registration, organization, upkeeping,consultancy,processing,modification,sorting out, retrieval, comparison, use, interconnection, blockage, communication, cancellation and destruction of data. Your Personal Details undergo a paper, electronic and/or automatic treatment.
The Holder shall deal with your Personal details for as long as deemed necessary to meet the goals as hereinabove and, in any case, not later than 10 years from the moment when the relationship was over.
4. Access to Details and Data Communication
Your Personal Details shall:
- be disclosed to the Holder’s employees, in their quality of in-house appointed and/or responsible subjects of the processing and/or system administrators;
- be communicated to third party companies or other subjects (i.e. , banks, professional offices, consultants, insurance companies providing insurance services, etc.) that carry out some outsourcing activities on behalf of the Holder, in their quality of external subject responsible of said data processing.
5. Data Transfer
- Your Personal Details shall be stored in servers located within the European Union. Still, it is always to be mutually agreed that the Holder, if necessary, shall be able to move the servers also to some extra European Union locations. In such a case, the Holder assures, right from now onward, that the transfer of said data to some extra European Union locations shall take place always in compliance with the provisions of the applicable law, as long as the parties have entered the due pre-contractual by-laws foreseen by the European Commission.
6. Nature of Data Communication and Consequences of Refusal of Reply
The communication of the requested data is necessary for a correct performance of the activity of the writing subject, as well as for the efficacious management and issuing of the services connected to it.
7. Rights of Party Involved
The party involved has the right to obtain, on the part of the Holder, the confirmation that a processing concerning his/her Personal Details is or is not going on and, if such a case be, he/she shall have the right to obtain the access to his/her Personal Details, the rectification, the cancellation of the same or the limitation of said processing; he/she has the right to oppose said data processing at any time, and also in cases of treatment for direct marketing purposes and the automatic decision-making process. Moreover, he/she has the right to the portability, the revocation of his/her consent at any time, with no prejudice at all to lawfulness as well as to submit a claim to any control authority.
8. Ways of Exerting Rights
He/she shall be able to exert his/her own right at any time by sending a written request to MARK MEDICAL LTD (SPA), Via del San Michele, 334 - 34170 Gorizia ,Italy or by email to: info@mark-medical.it
9. Data Processing Holder
The Data Processing Holder is the company MARK MEDICAL LTD, with legal offices at nr.334 Via del San Michele - 34170 Gorizia, Italy, tel. 0481/21711; email: info@mark-medical.it