Mark Medical has been operating in the healthcare market for more than twenty years. The first steps in the medical sector date back to the year 1992, when the company Agorest Srl in Gorizia – Italy, changed its business activity and turned to the distribution of Medicinal Products and Medical Devices. Afterwards it merged with Mark S.r.l. and continued to be the key purchasing center for all the other companies that where distributing on the territory of former Yugoslavia.
Key territory was Slovenia, where the company Auremiana d.o.o. was established in 1993. Further on the development was continued with the establishment of Samed d.o.o. in 1997 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Direct entrance in the Croatian market dates 2004, when the company De Plano d.o.o. was acquired. The Serbian market was growing in parallel, also through the acquisition of Trevis medical d.o.o.
An increasing complexity connected to the growth of the company and the evolution of the medical devices and pharma sector have led the company to the creation of a new group, Mark Medical. With effect from October 2010 the company's name has changed from Mark S.r.l. into the Mark Medical S.p.A. and subsequently also the subsidiary companies changed their names into Mark Medical d.o.o.